Hebrew Home at Riverdale Generates More Than $750,000 in Annual Savings from Ecosave Projects
Ecosave helps generate more than enough energy savings to fund an HVAC upgrade
Hebrew Home at Riverdale has a history of reducing its carbon footprint and helping the environment in financially responsible ways. Recently the Home has installed an onsite power generation plant that runs on gas, which is cleaner than using electricity from the grid.
Having a lower cost of electricity has not dissuaded them from using less energy. Hebrew Home and Ecosave have completed an energy-reducing Ecosave Services Agreement, which has generated more than enough energy savings to fund Ecosave’s upgrade of the HVAC and lighting systems for the Resnick Pavilion, Stolz Pavilion, and Jacob Reingold Building.
The solutions implemented at Hebrew Home include:
Lighting equipment upgrade with high-output LEDs.
Replacement of 245 dual temperature fan coil units.
Energy recovery wheels.
New campus wide Building Automation System (BAS).
Change rooftop unit heating from gas to using waste hot water from the combined heat and power unit.
Demand ventilation provided to air handling units including Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) on supply and extract fans to match output with carbon dioxide levels within the building.
Demand ventilation on kitchen extract fans to match output with optical and heat sensors mounted within existing kitchen hoods.
Installation of new electric and steam smart sub-meters to help identify further savings and track consumption.
Utility Management services provided through Ecosave Watch for the duration of the Service Period.
Comprehensive equipment maintenance services provided for the duration of the Services Period to ensure savings are sustained.